Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Future Vacation

Some day, in a few years, and after I've saved up the $4,500+ that it costs, I want to do this.


Brenda said...

it looks beautiful, but after your last water adventure, i am surprised. :)

CatBoy said...

Looks like it would be quite a way to spend a vacation.

vq said...

You are SO adventurous!

I've never been to the Grand Canyon. I figger I could drive there from here in about 6 hours. Every year I beg my family to go to the Grand Canyon with me and no one ever will. I think I'm just going to have to do it solo.

Jenny Robin said...

Spidey, interestingly enough, I've never been seasick at any time other than being on a catamaran at sea. I've white water rafted before, canoed multiple times, swam a million times, tubed, you name it, and never had problems.

Jenny Robin said...

Verbie, go to the Grand Canyon by yourself if your family won't go with you. I'll probably end up going rafting by myself.