Sunday, July 22, 2007

More Harry Potter Pictures

Well, I got a full 90 minutes of sleep early Saturday morning before returning to work. We continued to sell books so quickly that we had to hustle to fill up the table. The energy was great, and people were very excited to get their copy. I've been trying to read my copy, but am making slow headway, as I am physically exhausted, though I actually feel great, all things considered.

I'm still so wired over all the excitement and jazzed at how well the entire weekend has progressed. My staff was fabulous, and I count myself lucky to work with each of them.

Above are pictures of various costumed customers, some of my cafe staff, and others.

1 comment:

UrbanStarGazer said...

The fellow in the second picture from the bottom looks like a court jester rather than a wizard. The buttons that the two women are wearing in the third picture up -- votes for how Snape would turn out in book 7?

Looks like fun was had by all.